Meet the Team

  • Dr Marilla Druitt


    Dr Marilla Druitt is an Obstetrician and gynaecologist who practices in Geelong in public and private.

    She undertook a fellowship at Monash Medical Centre in minimally invasive surgery and is credentialled to perform RANZCOG/AGES Level 6 surgery. She is interested in the mind body connection in pelvic pain, and is part of an interdisciplinary pain & pelvic floor clinic at Geelong Hospital.

    She is a RANZCOG councillor and was involved in the writing of the national Endometriosis Guideline which is ongoing. Dr Druitt does research with Australasian Interdisciplinary Researchers in Endometriosis (AIRE), and Deakin University on Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain. She is also part of a Bellarine wide clinician network caring for trans and gender diverse patients.

    As of 2023 she is part of the working group for the state Women’s Health Clinics and also is involved with the EndoHelp Foundation.

    Her obstetrics interests include opiate and addiction medicine in pregnancy, shared patient decision making and she supervises, teaches and examines the next generation of women’s health GPs and Obstetrician/Gynaecologists at Barwon Health.

  • Jennifer Langford


    Jen Langford has worked as a general, pain and pelvic physio since the last millennium.

    She co-leads private clinics in Melbourne, heading up a stellar team of pelvic physios. Her post graduates are in Pain Management (Sydney University) and Pelvic Health (Melbourne University).

    Jen has presented at multiple PPV seminars and has taught pelvic pain to Post Grad Physios at Melbourne University for many years.

    She is a Titled APA Pain Physiotherapist. Her clinical passion has long been to understand the science and the person to improve the lives of persistent pelvic pain sufferers. Jen is proudly a founding committee member of Pelvic Pain Victoria and Immediate Past President.

  • Shan Morrison


    Shan Morrison (she/her) is a Specialist Women’s, Men’s & Pelvic Health Physiotherapist and fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists who has practiced exclusively in pelvic health for 29 years. She is the director of Women’s & Men’s Health Physiotherapy a private practice based in Melbourne that exists to restore pelvic health, empowering every person to live their best life. Shan’s clinical passion is being part of a like-minded multi-disciplinary team providing person-centered care that integrates a mind-body psychologically informed approach for those experiencing persistent pelvic and sexual pain. She presents regularly at national conferences and lectures at the University of Melbourne post graduate qualification in pelvic floor rehabilitation.

  • Dr Felicity Dent


    Dr Felicity Dent (she/her) is a Specialist Women’s Health GP who has worked in clinical general practice in Melbourne’s inner west for over 15 years. She is passionate about primary health care and the wealth of opportunity it affords both patients and doctors.

    Felicity enjoys caring for women throughout the lifespan and has developed a particular interest in supporting women with persistent genito-pelvic pain using a holistic, biopsychosocial approach; and by creating and coordinating interdisciplinary teams.

    Felicity currently holds positions as a Medical Educator for the RACGP and as an Antenatal Clinic GP at Western Health. She is also delighted to announce her recent appointment at Maxwell Medical Group - her new general practice home.

    Felicity is a proud board member of Pelvic Pain Victoria and hopes that by using education and advocacy, and promoting awareness and compassion, we will see a brighter future for women living with pain.

  • Dr Karin Jones

    Karin is a Pain Medicine specialist and Anaesthetist working in Melbourne.

    She is the Clinical Lead of the Chronic Pelvic Pain clinic at the Women’s Hospital Melbourne and works as an Anaesthetist and Pain medicine Specialist at Royal Melbourne Hospital and in private practice.

    Karin came to pain medicine via anaesthesia, where she felt most satisfied when helping patients feel safe and comfortable led her to study pain medicine.

    Karin grew up in Western Victoria and her passion for pain education and bringing health care to regional areas led her to be involved in the Pain Revolution as a rider and mentor for the Pain Revolution Local Pain Educator program.

    She is a new committee member for Pelvic Pain Victoria and is excited to join another multidisciplinary team trying to share knowledge and passion for empowering people with pelvic pain to live life fully.

  • Dr Desiree Yap AM


    Desiree is a Specialist Gynaecologist with Public Health and Tropical Medicine qualifications who has been in specialist clinical practice for over 20 years whilst undertaking Public Health projects on the side. Clinically, in addition to a private practice, Desiree holds appointments at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne working in the Dysplasia Unit and at Monash Medical Centre in the Menopause Unit.

    Over the years, Desiree has had a lot to do with women with pelvic and sexual pain as a clinician and was introduced as a young clinician to issues around sexual and pelvic pain and trauma informed care. The adage ‘more is missed by not looking than not knowing’ has driven Desiree’s approach to medicine and gynaecology.

    In terms of experience in niche need areas, Desiree was involved in setting up the first Early Menopause clinic as well as a long-term care clinic for women with Turner’s Syndrome. She also has a keen interest in HPV control and the prevention of cervical cancer.

    Desiree has spent 8 years on the Board of Women’s Health Victoria, the peak Women’s Health policy body including 2 years as Chair of the Board. She was made a Member of the Order of Australia in January 2020 for her services to medicine and women’s health and was made a Women’s Health Victoria Champion of Change in 2018.

  • Dr Anita Elias


    Dr Anita Elias is a medical practitioner, with a background in General Practice. She trained in individual, couple and family therapy and has specialised and worked in Sexual Medicine and Sexual and Relationship Therapy for over 25 years. She attained the inaugural international Fellowship of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM) in 2012.

    Anita worked in the Psychosexual Service at The Royal Women's Hospital for 24 years, is Head of the Sexual Medicine and Therapy Clinic at Monash Health, as well as working in private practice.

    She is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Monash University, is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at Monash University and University of Melbourne, as well as educating health practitioners and the community in sexual issues.

    Anita sees people presenting with all sexual difficulties, welcomes diversity, and takes a person centred, collaborative, biopsychosociocultural perspective. She has special interests in sexual pain, and the mind /body connection.

  • Dr Megan Eddy


    Dr Megan Eddy is a Specialist Pain Medicine Physician in private practice. Her experience in working with patients who suffer from pain began in her earliest days working as a physiotherapist. Later, working as a General Practitioner, Megan’s work in musculoskeletal medicine further sparked her interest in pain management and commenced pain speciality training.

    In 2018 Megan obtained the Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetics. Megan has worked in several pain clinic settings including tertiary public pain clinics; but is currently working in private practice only, in Melbourne. Megan sees all people living with persistent pain but has special interests in chronic musculoskeletal and pelvic pain.

  • Rebekah Davenport


    Rebekah is a registered psychologist (clinical) at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, is completing her PhD at The University of Melbourne, and holds various graduate teaching and research positions within the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences and School of Biomedical Sciences. Her research and clinical practice is focused on uncovering the mechanisms underlying psychiatric and sexual multimorbidity in chronic inflammatory disease populations, including multiple sclerosis, endometriosis and cancer populations.

  • Pia Herrera


    Pia Herrera is a recently graduated junior doctor, practicing in North Eastern Victoria. She trained in both Geelong and Horsham, through Deakin University. Through her studies, she has developed a strong passion for women's health, in particular for pelvic pain.

    Pia is completing research in different areas of women’s health and has recently joined Pelvic Pain Victoria, hoping to network and learn from people with a similar passion. She hopes to continue pursuing her interests and potentially specialise in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, or General Practice with a focus on women's health.

  • Maddie Redgewell


    Maddie is a Registered Nurse and consumer advocate, with a passion for women's health and supporting those with persistent pelvic pain.

    Working on a gynaecological ward, has given Maddie a great insight into the nursing and medical management of these conditions. Maddie has focused her career on empowering others to develop connected communities. This has ensured the establishment of better support and educating peers to increase awareness.

    Maddie was diagnosed with endometriosis at 20 years of age, prompting her to seek out support services and communities.

    Maddie is a new committee member with PPV and alongside the Multidisciplinary board is committed to the ongoing education of fellow health care professionals.