Who We Are

Pelvic Pain Victoria was founded in 2015.

PPV is a Victorian founded Not-For-Profit Charity dedicated to facilitating collaboration between multidisciplinary health care providers to advance the understanding of complex pelvic pain and its management through education, research, and advocacy.

We are an organisation made up of health care professionals who are passionate about advancing and promoting an intersectional understanding of the impacts of complex pelvic pain on the Victorian community. Our team include numerous passionate and dedicated health care professionals including physiotherapists, gynaecologists, pain specialists, general practitioners, psychologists and nurses.

Our Mission

  • To facilitate collaboration between multidisciplinary health care providers to advance the understanding of complex pelvic pain and its management through education, research, and advocacy with the purpose of advancing the health of complex pelvic pain sufferers.

  • To advance and promote an intersectional understanding of the impacts of complex pelvic pain on the Victorian community

  • To support complex pelvic pain best practice and the rights of complex pelvic pain sufferers to timely and equitable intervention